Journal of IT and Economic Development
JITED V13 N2 October 2023
Table of Contents

Technology and Its Role in Driving Sales in The Textile Sector: A Case Study of Leading Textile Companies in Pakistan

JITED V13 N2 P01 Aiman Fakhar -Technology

Aiman Fakhar, Tahir Ali
Karachi University Business School (KUBS), Pakistan

 Impact of Operating Expenditure on Sales of IT Industry (A Case Study of Leading IT Organizations in Pakistan)

JITED V13 N2 P02 Ifrah Arshad -IT Industry

Ifrah Arshad, Tahir Ali
Karachi University Business School (KUBS) Pakistan

 The Impact of Digitalization on the Profitability of the Banking Sector (An Empirical Study of the Leading Banks of Pakistan)

 JITED V13 N2 P03 Inara Rafiq -Digitalization

Inara Rafiq, Tahir Ali
Karachi University Business School, University of Karachi, Pakistan

Impact of Information Technology on Profitability of Commercial Banks of Pakistan

JITED V13 N2 P04 Saad Abbas -Information Technology

Saad Abbas, Tahir Ali
Karachi University Business School, Pakistan

Impact of Research and Development (R&D) on Cost and Sales Management in textile industry

JITED V13 N2 P05 Zeeshan Jami -Research and Development

Zeeshan Jami, Tahir Ali
Karachi University Business School, Pakistan

 Impact of Promotional Expenses on the Profitability of the Automotive Industry: A Study of the Automobile Manufactures of Pakistan

JITED V13 N2 P06 Muhammad Ahsan Raza -Automotive Industry

Muhammad Ahsan Raza, Tahir Ali
Karachi University Business School, Pakistan

The Core Value of Web3.0:Recognition and Measurement of Data Assets

JITED V13 N2 P07 Gang Xu -Data Assets

Gang Xu
Digital Capital Group Pty Ltd, Australia

James Ming-Hsun Chiang
California State University Monterey Bay, USA