Journal of IT and Economic Development

JITED V9 N2 October 2018

Table of Contents



The Panama Canal Expansion Project: A Historical Review and Lessons Learned

JITED V9 N2 P01 Karolina Zielinski -Panama Canal Expansion Project

Karolina Zielinski
Penn State University, Black School of Business
The Behrend College, Erie, PA, USA


Applying Lean Six Sigma at Acutec Precision Aerospace

 JITED V9 N2 P02 William Jones -Lean Six Sigma

William Jones
Penn State University
Black School of Business, The Behrend College, Erie, PA, USA


The Acquisition and Fall of the Schweizer S300

JITED V9 N2 P03 Jason Kress -Acquisition and Fall

Jason Kress
Penn State University
Black School of Business, The Behrend College, Erie, PA 16563, USA